Tourism Industry Trends 2013

Tourism Industry analysts presents travel and tourism trends. The analysts discuss major trends in the global travel and tourism industry for the coming years. ...

About Russian Vodka in Russian Museum

Nations around the globe sometimes deny that it was Russia that gave the world vodka. But the Vodka History Museum’s personal is convinced that the drink originated in Russia. ...

The Oldest Torah Found in Italy

The world’s oldest Torah scroll have been found in Bologna University Library. The document dates from around 1155. The torah was catalogued in the seventeenth century by mistake. ...

Destination Cities Index 2013 by MasterCard

The MasterCard Index of Global Destination Cities ranges cities in terms of the number of total international visitors and the cross-border spending. Interview with Dr. Yuwa Hedrick-Wong, Global Econo ...

The Great Barrier Reef - World Heritage Site in Danger

The Great Barrier Reef is facing death by 1,000 cuts, from mining and industrialization - at least that's one of the messages being sent loud and clear to a UNESCO inspection team here to assess wheth ...